Our Constitution
West London Rheumatology Patients Support Group
To endeavour that patients access and receive high quality services
Support patients; their families, carers and friends
Encourage research and innovation
Work with organisations and groups to improve services to all rheumatology patients.
Patients treated at Central Middlesex Hospital, family, carers and friends
Annual General Meeting
The meeting will be held at or around April
28 days notice shall be given
The AGM shall include
a. Election of officers
b. Reports to include:
Chair’s report,
Financial report,
Special General Meetings
This can either be called by the coordinating committee or by 20 members requesting the secretary to call a meeting. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated. 14 days notice shall be given
Chair, Deputy Chair (including Finance), Secretary, Deputy Secretary,
The AGM may appoint a President,
Officers shall be elected for one year.
Coordinating Committee
The committee shall be responsible for the day to day running of the group on the basis of the purpose of the Group. The committee shall coordinate the activities of the group including:
The calendar of group meetings, socials and events
Financial matters
Newsletters and communications
Functional officers : The committee shall appoint members to cover such areas as membership, newsletter Editor, meetings organiser.
The Committee shall consist of Chair, Deputy Chair, secretary, deputy secretary and 10 members. Functional officers may attend meetings.
Regular meeting shall be held with at least 6 times in a year.
The running of AGMs and meetings
The normal rules of debate and procedure will apply.